Oh hey, no problem bro. Not alot of people appreciate nature, so I like to see this kind of thing :)
We're getting ready to go camping on... Monday is it? Well, it's like a reserved lot to camp in, but still, we haven't gone out and did any camping since before Jeremiah was born, so it should be pretty damn awesome. Jeremiah will dig it too, I can tell he will :)
Whoa, this takes place before some of your previous blogs, or is it, you travel... in time? haha
Sucks the water go too shallow for sure. Blog more often dude!
Hehe, yeah, I'm hoping to eventually get every one of my adventures up here, so I'm doing a little backtracking.
Thanks for checking it out man, I appreciate it.
Oh hey, no problem bro. Not alot of people appreciate nature, so I like to see this kind of thing :)
We're getting ready to go camping on... Monday is it? Well, it's like a reserved lot to camp in, but still, we haven't gone out and did any camping since before Jeremiah was born, so it should be pretty damn awesome. Jeremiah will dig it too, I can tell he will :)
I wish I had some damn bloobs! haha
These pictures are gorgeous. Do you by any chance have them in a higher resolution for wallpaper?
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